photography:  lee wedding studio

photography:  lee wedding studio



The Pacific Miss Asian American pageant has a (1) paper application, (2) preliminary round, and (3) finale.

Following the paper application, girls were invited to orientation where they were briefed on the first round competition.  The preliminary round consisted of self-introductions, catwalk, a question, and talent portion.   Following this, the final 15 contestants are chosen.  Approximately 40-50 girls attend preliminaries.  This is a national pageant title, so girls ages 17-27 from all over the United States are eligible.

The final 15 had training, community outreach, and VIP events.  Pacific Culture International provided make-up and speech training.  There was also a photoshoot to advertise the grand finale.  On their event day, the girls also visited the CCACC senior center, Sushi Oishi, National Harbor, Washington D.C., and China Garden.  The VIP events involved promoting the pageant's sponsors, especially the title sponsor, Maryland Live Casino.

The pageant finale took place on October 9th, 2015.  The competition consisted of a group dance, self-introduction, talent portion, fitness/swimsuit portion, evening gown, and question & answer (video footage of Kira in these finale competitions below).

Kira Omans was awarded the title of 2015 Pacific Miss Asian American.  She also won Best Talent and Most Popular, two of the four additional accolades.

photography:  michael zhuang

photography:  michael zhuang

photography:  creative pro studio

photography:  creative pro studio

Pageant Performance Video

Best Talent Performance Video

Crowning Video